Monday, April 13, 2009


For this assignment, I got my idea and inspiration from the movie "Marley & Me." People have an amazing bond with their pets and I think it would be interesting to write a column on the bonds people share with their pets, and specifically share stories about my pets and the bond i formed with my pet. I think people can relate to this topic and understand the bond people have with their animals. I don't know if this is a good idea or not though so please let me know how to improve it or if I should completely change it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

MC 202 Assignment

I plan to write this assignment about abortion and my opinion and my position on the subject. I'm not sure how I should write it, if I should write an editorial, or a column. If I write it as an editorial I would back up my opinion with facts and other information about the subject. Right now I'm leaning towards writing it as an editorial. Let me know what you think would be better to write it as.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feature Assignment

For my feature writing assignment, I plan to write my story about a friend of the family who has been battling cancer for over 19 years, and tell about the hardships she has encountered along the way, along with the positive attitude she held throughout the years. The other two people I plan to interview, are close friends of her's or immediate family members.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Interview Assignment

Like many other college students Mason Lamb spends his time like everyone else. Doing home work, studying, and going to the occasional party, but when it’s time for summer, he turns into a hard hitting rugby player.
Lamb is a 20-year old student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Born and raised in Rockford, IL he attended Rockford Lutheran High School where he played sports all year round; football, wrestling, and track. During his sophomore year he found a new sport to play, rugby and he has been addicted ever since.
A close friend of Mason’s got him to try out for their citie’s rugby team (The Jr. Rockford Ravens) his sophomore year. To his great surprise he picked the game up fast and even made the team. “Ever since that first day of try outs I knew this was the game for me,” Lamb said. Quickly he learned as much as he could about rugby, and by the end of the year he became a starter for his team.
His junior year he was honored as the youngest captain ever to play for his cities team. By the time Lamb finished high school he had made it to the Illinois rugby play-off’s three times, winning forth place his senior year. “Winning forth was one of the highlights of my whole high school career,” Lamb stated. He was also invited to try out for the USA Jr. Rugby Team, but due to a knee injury was unable to go.
Now Lamb only plays during the summer with the men’s team in Rockford. He wishes he could find a team around here, but with his knee he probably wouldn’t last long. Lamb said “I love this sport; I’ll probably play till die.”

Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Assignment

For this first assignment I plan on writing about an upcoming benefit that is to take place in my home town of Albers, IL. The benefit is being held for a man who has alzheimer's/dementia, and has been an important member of the community for many years. I plan on interviewing some members of the town who are contributing to help plan this event, as well as a person planing on attending and maybe even a family member of the man for whom the benefit is for. This is an important story because it not only shows the importantce of a community but also shows how people will come together to help one another out in times of need.

Monday, January 26, 2009

In Class Writng Assignment

Police report the injury of 18 year old freshman student, Thomas Schwanke, of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville who was found at 7:40 AM this morning in the dormitory basement on campus.
He is believed to have fallen anywhere from two to ten stories down a trash chute around 2:00 AM according to police. Witnesses report Schwanke had been drinking when they saw him earlier in the morning, which rises concern for Mar Rouse, Dean of Students at the University, about alcohol abuse on campus. Schwanke is being hospitalized at Anderson Hospital in Maryville, and hospital officials refuse to discuss his current condition.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Post

This is a test